Monday, January 18, 2010

Kung Fu BYU?

This is the only picture I have as of recent, but I wanted to add my two cents to the family blog. This Kung Fu Panda giant statue is in a building on BYU campus. Can you guess which one? No, you can't. It's the MATH building. Yeah. Who knew those mathematicians watched cartoons, let alone even liked them? Not me. I'm a little envious. The communications building where I live doesn't have anything this cool.
Sorry I'm so immature for a 21-year-old. I figure I better take in all I can before I head out into the working world in April. I love and miss you all!!


  1. What were you doing in the math building? ;)

  2. Haha, you know me too well. I only went there because I heard about the kung fu panda rumor. I walked in and the intruder alert immediately went off. They know I'm not smart enough to be in that building.
