Saturday, March 27, 2010

Festival of Colors

Here in Utah they do this thing at the Hare Krishna Temple called the "Festival of Colors." It's brilliant: powdered chalk and hundreds of college students. What more do you need? While you're there, if you think about it too much it could seem slightly cult-like; however, I think it's only because I don't completely understand the religion and the tradition. I think it has something to do with welcoming spring. The announcer called it
"BYU's unofficial spring break."

I dressed everyone in United Way t-shirts. How cute.

Llamas! They ate right out of the palm of our hands. They're cool.

Please do not sit on the elephant. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little frightened...maybe its because all I can think about is "who's doing the laundry!"
