Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We are so proud of our girl! Showcase 2011

Stella won the raffle!(which is a little "sketchy" since I was the one who sold her mom the tickets. I hope there isn't an investigation- I swear, it wasn't rigged!)

Mitch is proud. He actually hugged her, but this was all I got on camera.

Good friends coming to cheer Abby on. This is Lauren and Becca, aren't they cute?

And of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world! We are so proud of you, Abs. This showcase is the highlight of Abby's dance season where she gets to show off her "sweet skills" to one and all! Thanks to Poppy and Gee, Poppy Mc, and Tracy and Stella for being there on her special day!

Since cameras are not allowed in the theater, we will post some video at a later date...after we get the dvd we had to pay $35 for. Not bitter.

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